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 Immersive Retreat  

LGBTQIA+ integrative approach to counselling utilising a multi modality approach.

Queer Spirit Warrior inspired by the work of John Stowes, is an immersive  invitation towards acceptance, utilising the collective wisdom of the faery and queer community.


Gay, Bi, NB, Trans men and women can find ourselves being stuck between desire and fulfilment, between want and need. What do we want? Self esteem, autonomy, love, fulling home and work life, all of these are achievable !

Yet, their still exists a deeper need, needs that are less tangible and harder to list. We ask: Who are we truly? What's our potential? How can we move beyond past wounds and present predicaments?  Let’s give ourselves permission to ask for more as queer people, as gay, bi, non binary, trans men and women, gender fluid humans.

Day 1-  Enchanted Beginnings.

The evenings ceremony will be more than just a welcome, it will be a portal to a transformative adventure.

Day 2 - Embracing Transformation

A day of movement, shamanic journeying aligning your heartbeat and breathe, ceremony at the labyrinth 

Day 3 - Deepening the Experience

Looking at the queer archetype of the Magician

Day 4 - Rebirth and Renewal 

Movement, walking meditation and quantum healing 

Day 5 -  Celebration of Transformation

Connecting the self through, the heart, with closing heart circle

1-1 mentoring available during the retreat

Access to our post retreat programme

Come join us on this  transformational journey to the self and as queer folk lets step into our authenticity.


Queer Spirit Warrior Retreat Date:    Queer Spirit Gardening Retreat Date: 

                                                        1st - 4th March 2025                                  25th -28th February 2025


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